Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Conner's Nine - 9

I wanted to do something cool. I wanted to post some pics of the kids on their very own blog entry to show them off through the years growing up. This Blog is for Conner. His birthday is October 30th. Sit back and enjoy some wonderful pictures of our fine looking man Conner.

new born Conner (how cute)

Bryce with Baby Conner and little Isabelle

Conner and Steve

little man Conner

This is the life

Conner lost in space

Can you say Extreme sports!

The picture tells it all........

He's so old...is this our little boy?

Conner and his best friend Quinn (Happy Birthday buddy)

It isn't a party with out Pokemon cards

I hope you all enjoyed looking back with us. He's a keeper, I think we'll hold onto him.

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